Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sunny Side of Sex in UGANDA

(more so in English)

All I can say is: Wow! This is what they teach you in school, in Uganda, guess I went to the wrong school :)

I would advise all to take the time to watch every video straight through. They were amazing.

I learned so much from all four series. Hands down, India and Uganda have it made when it comes to sex education. And.. to be honest, on some level, I could agree with arranged marriage. It is must easier; takes out the complication of having to weed through partners until you finally meet someone that works for you.  Especially, in comparison to most American relationships which typical has motto'd: "On to the next."  On the other side, theres always a plus to every negative; 1st Amendment Rights, which tends to break up, but always makes us.