Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I have no idea where I would be today if it wasn't for Planned Parenthood. I'd probably have 5 kids and on welfare... Well, I'd hope not, but that could have been my story. I came from a household that never discussed sex. I learned about my period from a Kotex video.

Planned Parenthood taught me how to have safe sex, made me aware of all the different sexually transmitted diseases, and how to prevent catching any. They gave me the opportunity to talk to my peers about sex, stressing safe sex when I was only in high school. I starred in one of there commercials, which now that I think about it, I never saw it.

Anywho... Planned Parenthood saves lives for teens, plus you can get tested for free. They played an essential role that my parents didn't.

So, help save Planned Parenthood by making a call.  Check out the link below:
